Monday, June 9, 2008

Hostel Tag >>> Not As Fun As It Sounds

I lost Jasha. I loose everything, so why should it be any different with people? We had to check in to different hostels after our night on the rooftop bar as there was no space at my hostel. We made plans to meet at 10:00 am (or so I thought!) and headed to bed. I slept very well and woke up very early to take care of some things. I was down waiting for Jasha at 9:30, thinking he may be on the ball and early. Unfortunately this did NOT seem to be the case and I was still waiting at 12:30. Noooooooooot good. I wasnt sure whether to go off and find him, sit there more or jsut go off on my own. I eventually decided to go and find him at his hostel.

I managed to navigate my way through some backstreets to his hostel, which was incidently in an amazing part of town. The guy at the desk said that he was checked in, but did not know if he was here. He also wouldnt let me go knock on the door. So I left empty handed walking back to the hostel. I did this twice. On the third go, when I returned, the girl at the desk at MY hostel said that Jasha had jsut been in and told her that it would be too difficult to find each other. I took that as 'go off and do what you want', which is exactly what I did. I WASNT GOING TO WASTE MY LAST DAY IN ATHENS!

I was tossing up between heading to the National Archaeological Museum, exploring the city more, or heading in for a closer look at the Temple of Olympian Zeus. The latter won out, as I had been intrigued by my distant view the day before. The temple was even more amazing up close. The columns TOWER over you. It is impossible to explain the sheer magnificence of these monumental structures. The temple must have been one of the most amazing buildings ever conceived when it was complete. I wondered around the temple for about 4 revolutions, taking it all in. I then decided to explore the rest of the site, which included a temple to Apollo Delphinos, the Delphic Law Courts, a couple of archaic buildings, a temple to Rhea and Kronos, and a temenos sanctuary to Zeus. I suppose all of these would not have been that interesting to the lay person who did not really know what they were looking at, as they were mostly just foundations and ruins. They were amazing to me though. and I enjoyed every minute of it.

I made my way back to my hostel, as a few people from my Mitrou dig were schedueled to arrive soon. I soon managed to spot a girl named Mattie at the check in desk, and after helping her with her bags, we decided to go for a walk. After getting her a few essentials we decided to walk around the Plaka (marketplace). We soon made our way back to the hostel where we found another girl by the name of Britney. We decided to head to the rooftop bar for a little, tosee if we could find anyone else but this didnt work out. The girls were really hungry so we went out for a meal at a local Taverna which was incidently close to Jasha's hostel. I popped in there and managed to convince him to come to dinner with us and say goodbye (as we were heading out to Tragana in the morning).

Dinner was alright, and we were soon back at the rooftop bar. After saying cheers to Jasha, we found 3 other people from the dig, Ashley, Doug and Alex. They were quite animated about a pub crawl that was happening later that night but I was much too tired and wanted to get my rest before heading out to Tragana in the morning. I took my leave and managed to sleep like a baby. I probably wouldnt have If I knew what was in store for me the next day.....

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